It is quite interesting how much better and faster a computer program can do something (repetitive). Tool programs are used extensively in game development, but just recently I realized how necessary it is. By spending a little time to modify the function from a previous program I had, I was able to get a nicely functional tool that make the required artwork for me. Without it, I would have to keep using GIMP or other image editor to make these stuffs, which could take hours. But with this tool, I can make them in 30 minutes. It is a huge saving in man-hour. Plus it removes significant possible human errors and frustrations.
On the other hand, it is also possible because the artwork I required is simple. If we are talking about complex arts and design, then automatic tool might not help that significantly. In which case, an artist's skill with Photoshop etc would still be the main factor. Even the tool used would be quite complex to develop, and might be a lot more complicated to use.
10 Dec 2014
The Use of Tools
27 Oct 2014
Progressing & Keeping It Simple
So far it seems to be going well. The game is far from finished, but all the elements are falling into place. This time I made the effort to stick to the principle of keeping things simple.
For example, I had an idea of letting the stage being "circular." That is, if you go off to the end, you are at the beginning again. However, after some thoughts, I realize that the implementation would include more complicated coordinates calculation, graphic display issues and host of others, without improving much in terms of the fundamental gameplay, so I just drop it.
I guess it is true that for small project, stayed focused on the fundamental elements is really important.
21 Aug 2014
20 Aug 2014
Haha...restart. 3D requires too much time. I will try a 2D game and see what happens.
The problem with 3D need to model, setup animation etc. That is just a lot of art work. Too expensive. So I will just do 2D, and probably keep animation to a minimum, to simplify the process, making a finished game more feasible.
18 Mar 2009
Enemy Unit Intergration
Finally, I integrated the enemy entities into the game. Actually I don't have to do anything. But I forgot to tell the GameLogic class to load the DataManager as well, which result in empty enemy model paths. Took me a while to debug but now it's fine...Once again I guess it shows a good low level software design can save a lot of headache and time, but I would also say nothing is without flaws, especially in software...But I wonder would software development experience help in this? But in the past it seems to show the older software developers have a disadvantage because they cannot learn as fast also the mental power of the brain just cannot compete with the younger people...This is indeed an interesting question. So I would guess...the better programmers are probably those that have already acquire substantial experience and knowledge in software development but is also very young...hmm...sounds more like athletes...That sucks.
16 Mar 2009
Enemy Units Setup
Last week was able to setup the enemy unit setup function in the editor. Now the editor allow the user to select an unit type and then put it into place. I am now working on the loading part of system, but was unable to work on it for a while due to other things I have to do.
The nice thing about it is the user can see the units right on the screen of the editor. I am quite convinced that a good game requires a good editor now.
UPDATE: The load function is completed...what I should do now is probably to make sure the game can load all these in.
24 Feb 2009
Load Complete
I think next I will attempt to add in the enemies. Also have to scale the model into the right size...hmm...I should be able to do this with proper export setup though.
After that I should try to add the weapons...and projectiles...that is going to be interesting. This part is probably going to be another big section though...although weapons and projectile looks like small things but they can be a totally separated system on their own...perhaps I need to separate this into finer tasks:
- particle and explosion animation system
- weapon and equipment model attachment
- weapon control
- projectile and projectile collision calculations