1 Apr 2008

Created GameEngine Project

After some development on the editor's visual system, I suddenly realize it might be a good idea to move all the classes etc from the main project into a separated LIB project. By doing this, my editor in theory can just reuse the same code my game is using for the visual. For example, if I just initialize and use battleView class I should be able to see the same thing I see in the game. Also, it makes logical sense, seems to me, to group code above the lower level independent LIB into a LIB of its own.
I am thinking if I can just use the same classes such as stage etc, but I have to make some additional functions such as addUnits, deleteUnits etc into the classes to make it more dynamic and easier to be used by the editor.
I have already moved the files and setup the project properly. Necessary backups are also created. Now I am ready to commence the next step.

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