10 Feb 2009

Animation Progress and Adjustment in Design

I finally have some sort of full control over the animation, and I am also able to have arms and leg animation at the same time. The above is a screen shot.

I have also setup the debugging message window properly...not much work, but it actually helps a lot. I think real time message window is particularly helpful in game development. Of course other tools like debugger is very useful as well in certain situation.

Also, I have decided to separate the upper body from the lower body again...due to complexity in terms of aiming animation and rotation of upper body etc. This is also due to a change of design in rotation and aiming angle calculation, because the original design has a small flaw in it...it's all kind of complicated and hard to describe in words...

But right now I have another set of problems. For some reason the arms are rotating in opposite direction...I wonder why.

Animation has been far more complicated than I thought...perhaps I should really have just stick with triangles and other geometric shapes when I am doing this game...but then again there won't be much challenge and fun doing that...Still, perhaps I should have setup simple triangles etc before I jump into the complicated stuff. Anyway...I guess after I finish this animation thing I should really get back to the actually game logic codes. But with this setup though I should not have too much trouble setting up the enemies etc because the basic structure and functions are already there to be utilized.

Another thing I have to keep in mind is perhaps that the animation and 3D model should be the "most" complicated part of the game. Nothing else should exceed these complicity until I finish the game...this is to keep things clean and simple, until I finish it. Afterward, further steps can be determined. But right now I really just have to focus on finish the first "cut."

PS. Something small but worth noting in the recent development is that CEGUI seem to disable z-buffer test, which caused the weird graphics problem I noticed recent. After I re-enable the test things look much better.

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