10 Mar 2008

Limited Resource Generates Creativity?

Today I was pondering on how to do a missile swarm type of attack often seen in robot anime and other games. The problem is I don't think firing the swarm forward would look good, because most of the time it will just go toward the targets in almost straight line, without much turning. To create a good looking swarm, the missiles might have to be fired backward or in other direction first, like most of the other anime and games have done.
For the past week I was thinking of using the backpack as missile firing module, but that idea always make me feel like I am making a mutation in the current game design that would destroy the elegancy. The original idea is left mouse button and right mouse button for firing weapons. If I use the backpack to fire then I have to count it as a special ability, add in a new key for firing missile, like the space bar. Or I have to count it as a left or right hand weapon setup. Either way doesn't seem to be good.
So in the end I decide to stay with the current way, and keep things simple. The only thing I have to come up with is a special type of arm-hold or shoulder mount missile launcher that would launch missile swarm.

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