31 Mar 2008

Starts on Tile System Improvement

I finished the fire direction joint modification I mentioned in the last blog, but I think I sort of run out of steam on the weapon system. Therefore I am going to take a break from it and do some stage construction improvement. I already setup the weapon system to be quite flexible so it should be very easy for me to come back to the weapon system and finish it off later.
The stage construction improvement is actually a big job. I think it can be broken down into the following tasks in order:
  1. Improvement of the existing level editor's visualization.
  2. Improve tile varieties.
  3. Height map offset.
For the first step, currently the editor's visual is a basic 2D display, with symbols representing each layers. It was first constructed by his excellency Mr. Evil Dan, and later on I added new functions etc. But right now it seems in order to make the stage look better and to make the construction of stages easier, a 3D visualization is required.
There are bunch of details regarding step 2, which I still need to think about. But for now step 1 is enough work for me.

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