3 Oct 2008

Interesting Linking Problem

Now I got the CEGUI initialization setup, I attempt to load the image set. But then I started to get some really weird errors. The debugger did not help because it just shows some weird location and some exception that just does not make any sense. The CEGUI message dump in CEGUI.txt did n0t help neither because it just ends right when it attempts to load the image set.
Eventually I get to see this BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID assertion failure, which leads me to this link: http://www.zeroc.com/faq/windowsLibraryMixup.html...it's not related to my application, but basically the problem is caused by building application in debug mode and linking it with release mode libraries...yea, because I see all these debug information not found warning, I thought I can just use the release libraries instead of dubug libraries...
Yea, very dumb, but that's another interesting information. Now I am back into the "normal" situation, and trying to solve the usual image file not found problem...ha.

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