11 Nov 2008

Fallout 3 Afterthoughts

This blog is about the ending of Fallout 3...I won't go into describing it etc but whoever doesn't want to know anything about it should stop reading. (but who the heck is reading this blog except me anyway, ha...)

I would say the ending, especially the fights before the ending, are very well done and climatic. The tension are built and you get to use all the high tech weapons and armor the game can offer. Seeing the events unfold with large explosion and bodies flying all over the place or burnt to chock is quite satisfying. (It's kind of weird in a way because I imagine in real life people will feel afraid and gross out but for some reason in the game it looks good).

Video game violence aside, it's also satisfying to charge into enemy strong hold with the main character's buddy and the Brotherhood of Steel to accomplish the objective. The ending is faster pace than the rest of the game which is refreshing. I wish they could have more of these type of combat mission in the game. Another thing they could have done better is to have more involvement from the player in the climatic battle. Because in the final battle most of the time I just spend following and watching. They could have given me more stuff to shoot at. But still overall it's a very good experience.

Although I would say the story's final ending doesn't give me strong enough "satisfying" feeling like some of other games. For example Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy 7's ending seems to have more "punch" to me. The feeling is hard to describe...perhaps the best words are it could have been more "powerful" or "emotional." Still the ending sequence are quite nice and the game does have an interesting theme.

Overall the game is nicely done.

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