11 Nov 2008

Investigation Continued

Recently I didn't spend enough time on the game development to have any major progress. (played too much Fallout 3 I gather O_O). But still some progress has been made.

I have setup the skinned mesh class but so far it still doesn't working properly. Right now my investigation showed me that I am missing skin info (Null point as one of the parameter). I am not totally sure what the skin info is even. I think I should first investigate that. Then if I can't get it to work might want to try another drawing method for now and see what happens.
I did find a small bug about material...although I have no idea why it's a problem anyway, because I don't think I even setup lighting...

Everything becomes unnecessarily complicated when one is not familiar or doesn't have full understanding of the tool, in this case DirectX. Hopefully I will be able to get more familiar with it.

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